#Gujarati Baby Names
matan4il · 1 year
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I’m making this post at the request of the lovely @siflovesbuddie​​. Thank you for sending me your ask, and for your interest in my own thoughts! xoxox
Resource post with names info for all the notable 911 characters, compiled by the fandom’s resident name geek (slightly better than your average baby name site, which doesn’t give a damn about accuracy or about respecting the original cultures).
Gif makers and fic writers, please feel free to use this! If you do, credit or a reblog would be nice.
Also for anyone into enjoying different cultures and languages!
Here’s an open invitation if anyone wants to consult me on any other character’s name.
Under the cut: the info for all the characters in text, including a little more detail and explanation for the (giffed) main characters
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origin: Mikhael (Hebrew). meaning: Who (mi) is like (ka) God (el)? evolution: Mikhael (Hebrew) > Michael (Greek) > Michael (Latin) > Michael (English)
origin: David (Hebrew). meaning: Beloved (dod, spelled in Hebrew exactly like David). evolution: David (Hebrew) > David (Greek) > David (Latin) > David (English)
origin: Maia (Latin). meaning: The name is derived from the Roman month, which is itself named after Maia, a Roman goddess of spring. evolution: Maia (Latin) > May (English)
origin: Heimirich (Germanic). meaning: Home (heim) ruler (rich). evolution: Heimirich (Germanic) > Heinrich (Germanic) > Henri (French) > Harry (middle English)
origin: Yehoshua (Hebrew). meaning: God (Yeho and its abbreviation Yo represent the explicit, unmentionable name of God in Judaism), save (shua)! evolution: Yehoshua (Hebrew) > Iosue (Latin) > Joshua (English) > Josh (English, short form)
origin: Dionysos (Greek). meaning: God (dios) from Nysa (the region of Greece that the god of wine and dance Dionysos was born in). evolution: Dionysos (Greek) > Dionysius (Latin) > Denis (French) > Dennis (English) > Denny (English, diminutive)
origin: Lintha (Germanic). meaning: Soft (linth). Nowadays sometimes merged with the Spanish word for beautiful (linda). evolution: Lintha (Germanic) > Linda (Germanic) > Linda (English)
origin: Shoshana (Hebrew). meaning: Lily (shoshan. Sometimes conflated with rose). evolution: Shoshana (Hebrew) > Sousanna (Greek) > Susanna (Latin) > Susan (English) > Sue (English, short form)
origin: Adalbert (Germanic). meaning: Noble (adal) and bright (beraht). evolution: Adalbert (Germanic) > Albert (Germanic) > Albert (English)
origin: Ravi (Sanskrit). meaning: Sun (ravi). evolution: Ravi (Sanskrit) > Ravi (Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Nepali and more).
origin: Avigail (Hebrew). meaning: My father (avi)'s joy (gil). evolution: Avigail (Hebrew) > Abigail (Latin) > Abigail (English) > Abby (English, diminutive)
origin: Karl (Germanic). meaning: Man (karl. Sometimes used specifically in the context of ‘free man’). evolution: Karl (Germanic) > Carl (German) > Carl (English) > Carla (English, feminine)
origin: Chana (Hebrew). meaning: Grace (chen). evolution: Chana (Hebrew) > Anna (Greek) > Anna (Latin) > Ana (Spanish)
origin: Chava (Hebrew). meaning: Living (chai. The biblical character of Chava is described as ‘em kol chai,’ the mother of all who are living). evolution: Chava (Hebrew) > Eua (Greek) > Eva (Latin) > Eva (English)
origin: Hludwig (Germanic). meaning: Famous (Hlut) in battle (wig). evolution: Hludwig (Germanic) > Ludwig (Germanic) > Ludovicus (Latin) > Louis (French) > Louis (English) > Lou (English, short form)
origin: Sionainn (Irish). meaning: Old (sen). It derives from the name of the longest river in Ireland. evolution: Sionainn (Irish) > Shannon (Irish) > Shannon (English)
origin: Elisheva (Hebrew). meaning: My God (eli) is perfection (sheva is the Hebrew word for seven, a number representing perfection in Jewish tradition) or My God (eli)'s oath (shvua). evolution: Elisheva (Hebrew) > Elisabet (Greek) > Elisabeth (Latin) > Isabel (middle Occitan) > Isabel (Spanish)
origin: Raginmund (Germanic). meaning: Decision (regin) of protection (mund). evolution: Raginmund (Germanic) > Raimund (Germanic) > Ramon (Catalan) > Ramón (Spanish)
origin: Yoseph (Hebrew). meaning: He will add (yosiph. From the biblical language of oath taking: ‘So will God do to me and so he will add if I...’). evolution: Yoseph (Hebrew) > Ioseph (Greek) > Ioseph (Latin) > Joseph (French) > Joséphine (French, feminine) > Josephina (English)
origin: Helene (Greek). meaning: Torch (helene) or possibly derived from moon (selene). evolution: Helene (Greek) > Helena (Latin) > Helena (English)
origin: Lucius (Latin). meaning: Light (lux). evolution: Lucius (Latin) > Lucia (Latin, feminine) > Lucie (French) > Lucy (English)
origin: Antonius (Latin). meaning: The name derives from Etruscan and its meaning is unknown. The first notable historical figure to carry the name was Marcus Antonius (Mark Anthony), bringing many to link the meaning to him, or incorrectly to the Greek word for flower (anthos). evolution: Antonius (Latin) > Antonia (Latin, feminine) > Antonia (English) > Toni (English, diminutive)
origin: Nia (Swahili). meaning: Purpose, aim. evolution: Nia (Swahili) > Nia (English)
origin: Viator (Latin). meaning: Voyager, traveler. evolution: Viator (Latin) > Viatrix (Latin, feminine) > Beatrix (Latin) > Beatrice (Italian) > Beatrice (English)
origin: Shmuel (Hebrew). meaning: His name (shmo) is God (el). evolution: Shmuel (Hebrew) > Samouel (Greek) > Samuhel (Latin) > Samuel (English)
origin: Dùbhghlas (Gaelic). meaning: Dark (dubh) river (glais). evolution: Dùbhghlas (Gaelic) > Dùghlas (Gaelic) > Douglas (English) > Doug (English, short form)
origin: Adalheidis (Germanic) or Alexandros (Greek). meaning: There are two names whose English diminutives are Ali. Adalheidis means noble (adal) kind (heit). Alexandros means defender (alexo) of men (andros). evolution: Adalheidis (Germanic) > Adelais (Latin) > Aalis (middle French) > Alison (French, diminutive) > Alison (English) > Ali (English, diminutive) or Adalheidis (Germanic) > Adelais (Latin) > Aalis (middle French) > Alice (French) > Alice (English) > Ali (English, diminutive) or Alexandros (Greek) > Alexandra (Greek, feminine) > Alexandra (English) > Ali (English, diminutive)
origin: Daniel (Hebrew). meaning: God (el) judges me (dani). evolution: Daniel (Hebrew) > Daniel (Greek) > Daniel (Latin) > Daniel (English)
origin: Helene (Greek) or the town of Migdal (Hebrew). meaning: There are two names whose short form is Lena. Helene means torch (helene) or is possibly from the Greek word for moon (selene). Magdalena refers to a woman who is from Magdala, the Greek pronunciation for Migdal, the town in ancient Israel mentioned in the Bible. The town’s name means tower in Hebrew. evolution: Helene (Greek) > Elena (middle Slavic) > Yelena (Russian) > Lena (Russian, short form) or Migdal (Hebrew) > Magdala (Greek) > Magdalene (Greek) > Magdalena (Latin) > Magdalena (English) > Magdalena (English, short form)
origin: Noach (Hebrew). meaning: Comfortable, pleasant (noach) or resting (nach). evolution: Noach (Hebrew) > Noah (German) > Noah (English)
origin: Taylor (English). meaning: Tailor (from the Italian verb ‘taliare,’ to cut). evolution: Taylor (English)
origin: Gautfrid (Germanic). meaning: While ‘frid’ refers to peace (fridu), ‘gau’ might derive from the word territory (gawi) or from gautaz, a reference to the Germanic tribe of Geat. evolution: Gautfrid (Germanic) > Geoffroi (middle French) > Geoffrey (English) > Jeffrey (English)
origin: Helene (Greek). meaning: Torch (helene) or possibly from the Greek word for moon (selene). evolution: Helene (Greek) > Helena (Latin) > Hélène (French) > Elaine (English)
origin: Yona (Hebrew). meaning: Dove (yona). evolution: Yona (Hebrew) > Jonah (English)
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origin: Yochanan (Hebrew). meaning: God (Yeho and its abbreviation Yo represent the explicit, unmentionable name of God in Judaism) has graced (chanan). evolution: Yochanan (Hebrew) > Ioannes (Greek) > Iohannes (Latin) > Johann (German) > Johan (middle English) > John (English) > Ifan (Welsh) > Evan (English)
origin: Eadmund (old English). meaning: Rich, wealthy (ead) protection (mund). evolution: Eadmund (old English) > Edmund (English) > Edmundo (Spanish and Portuguese) > Eddie (English, diminutive)
origin: Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and fair, smart, brave war. meaning: Unknown. The goddess got her name from the city she was a patron of, Athens, but the city’s name comes from an undetermined language (likely an unknown language spoken in Greece before Ancient Greek even developed), so its meaning is also a mystery. Most people therefore associate the meaning of the name with the qualities the goddess represented. evolution: Athene (the name of the city in Ancient times) > Athena
origin: Hrodebert (Germanic). meaning: Bright (beraht) fame (hruod). evolution: Hrodebert (Germanic) > Robert (Germanic) > Robert (English) > Bobby (English, diminutive)
origin: There are three names that have entered modern English as Howard, Hughard (Germanic), Ewehirde (middle English) and Harvardr (old Norse), making any of these likely to be considered the origin of the name. meaning: Brave, hardy (hart) spirit (hugu) or ewe (eowu) herder (hierde) or high (har) guardian (vordr). evolution: Hughard (Germanic) / Ewehirde (middle English) / Harvardr (old Norse) > Howard (English)
origin: The town of Migdal (Hebrew) or Mahthilt (Germanic). meaning: There are two names whose English diminutives are Maddie. Magdalene refers to a woman who is from Magdala, the Greek pronunciation for Migdal, the town in ancient Israel mentioned in the Bible. The town’s name means tower in Hebrew. Madison means Maud’s son, Maud originating in a name that means might (maht) in battle (hilt). evolution: Migdal (Hebrew) > Magdala (Greek) > Magdalene (Greek) > Madeleine (French) > Madeline (English) > Maddie (English, diminutive) or Mahthilt (Germanic) > Matilda (English) > Maud (French) > Madison (English) > Maddie (English, diminutive)
origin: Heimirich (Germanic). meaning: Home (heim) ruler (rich). evolution: Heimirich (Germanic) > Heinrich (Germanic) > Henri (French) > Henriette (French, feminine) > Henrietta (English) > Hen (English, diminutive)
origin: Aikaterine (Greek). meaning: There are two Greek names it might have been influenced by. Hekaterine, meaning each of the two (hekateros) or Hekate meaning far off (hekas). Either way, during the early Christian era, the name's spelling was changed, adding an ‘h’ after the ‘t’ and tying it to the Greek word for pure (katharos). evolution: Aikaterine (Greek) > Katerina (Latin) > Katharina (Danish) > Karen (Danish) > Karen (English)
origin: Christophoros (Greek). meaning: Bearing (phero) Christ (christos, meaning anointed, Greek translation of the Hebrew word ‘mashiach’ which has entered English as ‘messiah’). evolution: Christophoros (Greek) > Christophorus (Latin) > Christopher (English) > Chris (English, diminutive)
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hellooo with your permission, i am coming back to bother you with the Indian James headcanons 🙏
assuming they're from Maharashtra and they speak Marathi (and Hindi? i'm assuming most families know more than just one language) at home, what would he call his parents? and what would they call him and each other? I've heard "jaan" a lot but I'm not sure how accurate that is and whether that works for Marathi too. are there any other endearment terms they could use? like love, sunshine, darling etc in English.
also i've been wondering if there's any exclamations/expressions etc that can be used within English speech without making it sound unnatural. like in Arabic we say "basmala/mashallah" for good luck or "inshallah" when we hope that something happens etc and it's integrated in English speech very naturally. wondering if there's anything of that sort?
Okay imma go step by step here. In India, especially where I live (Maharashtra yay hehe) it's pretty normal to know like three or more languages. I myself— plus my family— speak Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati and Marwadi, and even though we can't speak them we understand Punjabi and Bengali. So you assume correctly that they speak more than one language at home. Especially my family, where we know a bunch of non Indian languages as well, for business purposes.
Assuming James is Maratha, he would call his mother Aai (pronounced Aa-ee) and his father Baba (Mum and Dad). I have this headcanon that when he wants to annoy them he calls them Matoshree and Pitashree lmao (formal terms for Mother and Father in Hindi/Sanskrit).
"Jaan" means "life", and it's pretty accurate even if it's Urdu tbh, a lot of parents call their kids stuff like jaan, hayat (which you already know the meaning of), laadli (darling in Hindi), maajha baal (my baby- Marathi). If you wanted nicknames in Marathi you'll be good to go with bubdi (bubba), laadkaa or laadki (darling in masc and fem), or sonpari (golden fairy, usually for girls) and Sonu (dear, used for children).
Exclamation sounds can be "arey!" (uh-ray) which is "hey!" and "aai ga!" (aa-ee guh) which is like "oh mother!". They're just one word each, but they can be used in like 50 different situations lmao. Arey can be used for calling someone's attention ("arey come here a second will you?"), to express frustration with someone ("areyyy, why are you like this?"), exasperation ("arey yaar!" yaar is slang for friend) and a bajillion other stuff. Aai ga is used as an exclamation mark for when you're surprised, or got hurt, and in place of "oh God!". We don't have specific phrases that mean good luck or inshallah, but Urdu still uses both mashallah and inshallah so you'll be okay i think. But James probably wouldn't use them bc he's not a Muslim yk, and Hindu people usually use the name of the god they're praying on on swearing on, so there's that. We say stuff like "hay bhagwan" ("oh, Vishnu". Bhagwan is one of the innumerable names of the Lord Vishnu). Or "har har Mahadev" ("glory be to Lord Shiva". Maha-dev literally translates to Great God, but it is one of the well known names of the God of Destruction). We do use "arey deva" (oh god) as well. "Jai shree Ram"(hail to the Lord Ram) or "jai shree krishna" or "jai shree ganpati" (ganpati is what most marathi people call Lord Ganesha) is used when we're beginning something and we want to make the start auspicious. The phrases are kind of used as "may this go well and end well" ykwim? This is hard to explain I hope you get what i wanna say lol.
Anyways, this is it, I hope this helps, and you can ask me anything and i will answer. Not always so quickly but I will. Have a good day!
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maryrichard251023 · 5 months
Garbh Sanskar Gujarati App - Bright Baby Pregnancy Guide & Garbh Sanskar App in Gujarati
Welcome! To Bright Baby App is here, to guide you at every step!
Garbh dharan is the most essential item in a woman's entire existence. It will not be accomplished with a single mistake, but rather via careful preparation. The programme describes every phase of pregnancy. This application included all aspects of Garbh Sanskar, or Pregnancy Guide, pre-child planning.
With this Bright Baby Pregnancy Guide & Garbh Sanskar App in Gujarati, families can obtain comprehensive information regarding baby planning and garbhdhan sanskar.
Bright Baby Garbh Sanskar Gujarati App Activity List:
Heart Touching Video
Bright Baby Brain Activity
Cute Baby Poster
Prayer for pregnancy (1 prayer for 9 months)
Garbh Sanskar Sloka
Pregnancy Happiness Secret
Live Webinar Link on Home Page
Deep Relaxation Music
Counting Baby Kicks
Garbh Samvad
Literature of Self-help and mind power book
Today's Story
Today's Cooking Recipe
Diet and Food
Bright Baby Pregnancy Prenatal Yoga
Biographies about Great Leaders
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Garbh Sanskar Music for Pregnancy
Baby Shower Ideas
Dream Baby Visualization
Mantra Chanting
Activity of How to Make a Child
Baby Name Ideas
Today's Resolution
Your Personal Diary with Baby
Pregnancy Tracker
Visualization for Dream Baby
New Born Baby Kare - Advance Training
Ask Your Question for Confusion of Mind?
Bright Baby Garbh Sanskar App in Gujarati is a complete pregnancy app that serves both pregnancy planners and expecting mothers. With a concentrate on Garbhsanskar, maternal education, and without any anxiety planning, this app provides a variety of tools to help you enjoy during your pregnancy.
This app included all aspects of garbh sanskar, or pre-child planning. Through this programme, couples can obtain comprehensive information regarding baby planning and garbhdhan sanskar. Several things are discussed in this application. Garbh Sanskar in Gujarati, Manpasand Santan Prapti, Ladka Pane Ke Liye Sanskar, Ladki Pane Ke Liye Sanskar etc.
Sanatan sanskruti ke tin sanskar, Garbh dhan se phle ka gyan, Shukranu ki shudhdhi, Garbh me ling ka aadhar, Rutukal (periods), Garbh dharan ki process, Knowledge of after pregnancy, Important test during pregnancy, Pregnancy music, mantra, meditation, exercise, Punsavan sanskar, Simantonayan sanskar, Precaution during pregnancy, Garbhkal ke samay Diet, Manpasand santan pane ke tarike and many more information.
Garbh Sanskar App Benefits:
The developing brain
Improved self-worth and self confidence
Substantially it reduces the baby's risk of developing depression throughout their life
Making the infant feel cherished and loved
The well-being of the mother has a major effect on the unborn baby, Positive thoughts and positive emotions benefit both the woman and the developing baby.
Bright Baby Garbh Sanskar App provides you Stress relieving Yognidra, Parv Nimitt (Occasion based) Sessions, Live Supraj Santaanotpatti Havan, Gayatri Havan, Garbh Sanskar QnA Sessions, Let’s Smile Together Session, Couple Session, Sandhya Prarthna, Yoga Session Month wise, Nutritionist Session, Mentoring Session, Doctor’s Session and complete info about pregnancy and delivery.
Garbh Sanskar App in Gujarati includes, Sarvshreshth manoavastha during pregnancy, Sarvshreshth vatavarn, Prarthna, Dharmagranth, Satsang and Bhakti, Information about garbh sanskar audio track, healthyfood, manpasand Baby pane ke upay, Live Garbh Sanskar Sankalp Poojan, Garbh Sanskar Sutra Sessions, Vedic Mantra Vrushti Sessions, Garbh Sanskar Sangeet based on specific ragas, Jeevan Sutra Sessions, Medi Mitra Sessions, Monthwise Garbh Samvad and many more.
Mythological significance of Garbh Sanskar:
Garbh Sanskar is a key aspect of Indian Hindu culture. In the epic tale of the Mahabharata, Arjuna's son Abhimanyu learned Chakravyu's teachings while still in his mother's womb. It is also known as the Garbh Sanskar.
The devil king gave birth to a monk named Prahlad, who is also thought to have received divine instruction from Garbh Sanskar.
What to keep in mind during Garbh Sanskar?
The things to remember at Garbh Sanskar are the infant benefits from the mother's happiness and positivity during pregnancy. Garbh Sanskar activity contributes significantly to the creation of an atmosphere appropriate to the fetus's entire growth. Garbh Sanskar helps the mother maintain her both mental and physical well-being.
Keep up to date on a variety of themes, including vomiting, white discharge, burning sensations, exhaustion, baby care, parenting ideas, baby health, baby growth, baby immunization charts, breast milk-boosting nutrition, food recipes, baby sleep, and even more. Free access to instructional videos on prenatal-safe yoga stretches, Garbha Sanskar, and professional expert talk, all tailored to your individual pregnant experience.
Your pregnancy, baby care, and parenting disciplines are suited to the duration of your pregnancy or baby's month, and are divided into categories such as Home Remedies, Gharelu Nushkhe, Dadi Ke Nushke, and Do's and Don'ts. Get knowledge from the topics of pregnancy and parenting ideas.
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Pregnancy and Parenting Product ranges from Doctor-approved, scientifically proven, secure solutions for pregnancy dietary requirements, sleeping habits, foetal development of the brain, care following delivery, baby growth, and everyday care.
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babynamefinder · 7 months
Gujarati Baby Boy Names
IntroductionBrief overview of the significance of choosing the right name for a baby boy.
Traditional Roots of Gujarati NamesExplore the cultural and historical aspects of Gujarati names.Highlight the influence of tradition on naming practices.
Modern Trends in Gujarati Baby Boy NamesDiscuss how contemporary trends have influenced naming choices.Explore the fusion of traditional and modern elements in names.
Popular Gujarati Names and Their MeaningsProvide examples of popular names and their meanings.Include traditional names and those reflecting global influences.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a NameDiscuss considerations like cultural significance, family traditions, and name meanings.Offer tips on balancing uniqueness and cultural relevance.
Astrological Significance of Names in Gujarati CultureExplore how astrology plays a role in choosing names for newborns.Discuss common astrological factors considered by Gujarati parents
Choosing the perfect name for your baby boy is a momentous decision, steeped in cultural significance and personal meaning. In the vibrant tapestry of Gujarati culture, naming practices are a rich reflection of tradition, values, and evolving trends. Let's embark on a journey through the world of Gujarati baby boy names, exploring their traditional roots, modern influences, and everything in between.
1. Traditional Roots of Gujarati Names
Gujarati names have deep-rooted connections to the rich cultural and historical tapestry of the region. Passed down through generations, these names often carry stories and legacies, reflecting the values and traditions of the community.
2. Modern Trends in Gujarati Baby Boy Names
In the contemporary landscape, traditional names coalesce with modern trends, giving rise to a unique fusion. Parents are increasingly drawn to names that honor their heritage while embracing a global perspective, resulting in a delightful array of choices for their little ones.
3. Popular Gujarati Names and Their Meanings
Let's delve into the world of names by exploring some popular choices among Gujarati parents. From names rooted in mythology to those inspired by nature, each name comes laden with profound meanings that add depth and significance.
4. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Name
Selecting the perfect name involves careful consideration. Cultural significance, family traditions, and the meaning behind the name all play pivotal roles in this decision-making process. This section offers valuable insights into striking the right balance.
5. Astrological Significance of Names in Gujarati Culture
For many Gujarati families, astrology plays a crucial role in determining the auspiciousness of a name. Understanding the astrological considerations behind naming practices adds an intriguing layer to the process.
6. Impact of Gujarati Diaspora on Naming Practices
As the Gujarati community expands globally, naming practices undergo transformations. The diaspora's exposure to diverse cultures contributes to a fascinating blend of traditional and international influences in baby names.
In the journey of naming your baby boy, the world of Gujarati names opens up a treasure trove of meaning, tradition, and cultural richness. Each name tells a story, weaving together the threads of history, mythology, and nature into a name that is not just a label but a profound identity.
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aarohij · 9 months
Flavors of India: Delicious Indian Vegetable Recipes to Try Today
India's rich culinary heritage boasts a myriad of flavors, colors, and textures, making it a paradise for food enthusiasts. One of the key elements that contribute to the sumptuousness of Indian cuisine is the use of fresh vegetables. In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key, and online platforms have made it easier than ever to access quality ingredients. Whether you're in the heart of Bangalore or elsewhere, exploring the flavors of India has never been more convenient. Join us on a journey through some mouthwatering Indian vegetable recipes that you can try today without worrying about vegetable chopping because you can order Chopped Vegetables Online in Bangalore.
Top 3 Recipes to Cook with Vegetables
Every region in India have at least one dish full of vegetables and that is why include one dish from each five region, east, west, north, south, and center of India, that are easy to cook and can be tried today-
Mix Veg:
Mix veg is that one dish, which is cooked in every household everywhere in India. It is full of nutrients, and vitamins as there are many veggies goes in it. So let’s go ahead and learn what ingredients go in it and how to cook it for delicious taste-
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A lot of veggies as the name suggests such as cauliflower, green beans, carrots, green peas, spinach, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, and more of your choice. Spices such as red chili powder, dry mango powder, garam masala powder, mustard seeds, turmeric, coriander powder, asafetida, cumin seeds, and salt.
How to Cook:
First, cut all the vegetables like onion, carrot, capsicum, cauliflower, baby corn, and beans into small pieces and keep them aside. Heat oil in a pan. Add asafoetida, cumin seeds, and mustard seeds. Let them cook for a minute. Then add chopped onion and cook for a few minutes until they turn golden. Add all the vegetables like carrots, capsicum, cauliflower, baby corn, beans, and peas. Add salt, red chili powder, dry mango powder, coriander powder, and turmeric, and mix well. Add water to prevent the vegetables from becoming too dry and to cook them quickly. Cover the pan with a lid for 6-8 minutes. Then add garam masala and cook for another 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Serve.
Pav Bhaji:
Pav bhaji is one of the most beloved legacy and tastiest dishes from Maharashtra and it is consumed in every part of India with the same craze and love. Fresh, and buttery pav with the goodness of bhaji is the perfect food to solve food cravings-
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Vegetable oil, chopped garlic, chopped green chile peppers, chopped onions, grated fresh ginger, chopped tomatoes, finely chopped cauliflower, chopped cabbage, green peas, grated carrots, boiled and mashed potatoes, pav bhaji masala, salt, lemon juice, butter, finely chopped onion, finely chopped green chile peppers, and chopped fresh cilantro.
How to Cook:
First, heat oil in a wok on medium heat. Add garlic and green chile and cook for 30 seconds. Then, add onions and ginger and cook until onions are brown. Add tomatoes and cook until pasty. Add cauliflower, cabbage, peas, carrots, and potatoes. Season with pav bhaji masala. Cover and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt and lemon juice. Toast pav and spread with butter. Serve with chopped onion, green chile, and cilantro.
Undhiyu is a popular Gujarati curry made with a variety of fresh vegetables and dhokli muthiya. It is a must-have dish during festivals like Uttarayan (kite flying festival), Diwali, and special occasions like weddings.
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Ingredients for Muthiya (dhokli):
Gram Flour (besan), chopped Fenugreek Leaves, Red Chilli Powder, Turmeric Powder, Baking Soda, Sugar, Lemon Juice, Salt, and Oil.
For Masala:
Grated Coconut (fresh or dry), Roasted Peanut Powder, Sesame Seeds, finely chopped Coriander Leaves, Green Chilli Ginger Garlic Paste, Sugar, Lemon Juice, and Salt.
For Curry:
Brinjal, Baby Potatoes (or large pieces of potato), Surti Papdi, strings removed, Valor Papdi, strings removed, Tuvar Lilva, chopped Yam or Sweet Potato, optional, Green Peas, Asafoetida (hing), optional, Red Chilli Powder, Cumin-Coriander Powder, Turmeric Powder, Garam Masala Powder, optional, and Salt Cooking Oil, and Water.
How to Cook:
To make Methi Muthiyas, you will need gram flour, fenugreek leaves, red chili powder, turmeric powder, baking soda, sugar, lemon juice, oil, and salt. In a medium bowl, mix all the ingredients using a spoon. Add water as needed to make a soft dough, as shown in the photo. If the dough becomes sticky, don't worry. Simply add a few teaspoons of gram flour and mix well. Grease your hands with oil and carefully shape the dough into small oval-shaped muthiyas, making around 10-12 of them. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat to deep frying the muthiyas. Fry 3-4 muthiyas at a time, depending on the size of the pan, over low-medium heat until they turn lightly golden brown and crispy on the outside. Avoid frying them on high heat, as they may remain uncooked on the inside. Use a slotted spoon to remove the muthiyas from the oil and transfer them to a plate lined with a paper napkin to absorb excess oil. Your Methi Muthiyas are now ready to be enjoyed.
To make the stuffing masala, gather all the ingredients in a bowl. Mix them using a spoon and taste it. It should have a strong spicy, slightly sweet, mildly sour, and salty flavor. If needed, add more seasonings.
Collect all the vegetables needed for the undhiyu. Peel the potatoes and remove the stems from the brinjal. Make a criss-cross cut on the top of the brinjal and potato, being careful not to separate the segments. Fill the vegetables with the prepared masala. Heat oil in a pressure cooker over medium heat. Add asafoetida and sauté. Add surti papadi, valor papdi, tuvar lilva, green peas, yam, and salt. Mix well and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add red chili powder, turmeric powder, cumin-coriander powder, and 1 garam masala powder. Mix well and cook for 3 minutes. Add the stuffed brinjal and potato. Sprinkle some salt over it. Add water. Place fried dhokli methi muthiya on top. Close the lid and cook over medium heat for 3 whistles. Turn off the heat. Open the lid after the pressure has naturally released (10-15 minutes).
Feeling Hungry? Ready to Cook and Eat?
As we conclude our gastronomic journey through the flavors of India, it's evident that online platforms have revolutionized the way we access and use fresh ingredients. Whether you're in Bangalore or beyond, the convenience of ordering from an online cut vegetable delivery in Bangalore or a chopped vegetable store online in Bangalore allows you to experiment with these delicious Indian vegetable recipes with ease. Embrace the diversity and richness of Indian cuisine by exploring these recipes today, and relish the authentic flavors that fresh, high-quality ingredients can bring to your table.
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devidmash · 1 year
Benefits of Barnyard Millet Rice
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Barnyard Millet Rice is a whole grain food which is low in calories and fat and higher in protein, iron, and fibre than common cereal grains like rice, wheat, and flour. It is also gluten-free and thus a healthy substitute for those who have gluten allergies or type II diabetes. It is also a good alternative for those who do not like the taste of white rice.
This nutrient-rich food can be fed to 6 to 8 month old babies as gruel, and to children above one year as dosa or idlis. It is rich in dietary fibre and therefore good for constipation and other digestive issues. It can also be used as a substitute for rice in pulav. It is easily available in markets and is a popular choice among the health-conscious millennial generation.
It is cultivated in large areas of Orissa, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Punjab and hills of Uttarakhand. It is a fast-growing annual summer crop with good drought tolerance and good forage value. It is an important staple and supplementary food for famine affected regions of India. It is an important source of protein, carbohydrate, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium. It is also a valuable fodder for livestock.
In the last few decades, a number of improved barnyard millet varieties have been developed through selective breeding and hybridization. But despite the improved cultivars, the current productivity is still low. This is because of several biotic and abiotic constraints. Moreover, it requires more water to grow than other millets and it is also susceptible to diseases.
The major disease of barnyard millet is grain smut caused by Ustilago panici-frumentacei Brefeld, a fungal pathogen. Infected plants produce gall-like swellings in the panicles, stem axils, nodes, and leaf axils. The disease results in enlargement of the flower ovaries, which is usually observed late in the season. It is a serious problem which can result in poor crop yield and reduced quality of forage.
To improve grain quality, genetic resistance to disease, and drought tolerance, breeding programs should be intensified for a rapid and sustained improvement in barnyard millet. For this, priority should be given to the development of CMS line in barnyard millet, similar to what has been done for foxtail millet. Molecular markers such as SSRs can be used for population structure and diversity studies in barnyard millet to exploit the natural variability for targeted breeding and genomics applications.
Healthy Alternative
Barnyard Millet Rice is a healthy alternative to rice and has numerous health benefits. It is high in protein, calcium, iron and dietary fibre and can help reduce cholesterol levels. It is also low in carbohydrates and gluten-free making it a great choice for people with diabetes, celiac disease and other gluten allergies. It is also a good option for weight loss.
Traditionally, barnyard millet was used to make flour or roti but nowadays it is widely used as a substitute for rice in dishes like upma, dal khichdi, biryani, etc. This nutritious grain is also a great source of fibre which is essential for your digestive system. It contains a lot of soluble and insoluble fibre, which helps to reduce constipation, cramps and excess gas.
The glycemic index of this grain is quite low, which means that it is digested slowly and doesn’t raise your blood sugar too much. This is important for diabetics because it can help to prevent blood sugar spikes and keep your glucose level stable. Barnyard millet rice is also rich in protein, which can help with muscle development. It can also boost your immune system and help you fight fatigue.
This grain is known by a variety of names including shyama in Bengali, moraiyo in Gujarati, sanwa rice in Hindi, kuthiraivali in Tamil, and koodalu in Kannada. It is a small-sized white-shaped seed that grows naturally in the bumpy regions of Uttarakhand, India. When cooked, it tastes similar to broken rice and is a healthy substitute for rice. It is often given as a porridge to six to eight-month-old babies and as cheela, dosa, and idlis for children above one year.
Researchers have found that adding bacteria to the barnyard millet seed can improve its germination and growth properties. The microbes inhibit the proliferation of harmful pathogens, increase uptake and translocation of less-available minerals and promote plant growth and vigour (Olanrewaju et al., 2017).
The dietary fiber in barnyard millet is very high, which makes it an excellent addition to a healthy diet. It is also gluten free and a good choice for diabetics or those with a history of heart disease. It can also lower your cholesterol, help you lose weight and increase your energy levels.
Although barnyard millet is an underutilized crop, there is a need for more research to harness genetic variability for improved yields, nutritional quality and disease resistance traits. The global collection of barnyard millet needs to be expanded by collecting new germplasm, identifying and delimiting desirable traits and developing adapted cultivars.
In addition, more breeding programs need to be designed to develop varieties and hybrids with farmer/consumer preferred traits. This will require concerted efforts to characterize germplasm resources, identify trait-specific donors, establish mapping populations and discover QTL/genes. This will make the crop more productive and appealing to farmers and consumers.
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Pregnant Iliana is upset, the baby kicks in the stomach all night; Will become a mother without marriage
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Ileana D'Cruz Pregnant: Bollywood actress Ileana D'Cruz is regularly in the news these days about her pregnancy. 36-year-old Ileana D'Cruz is about to become a mother without marriage. The actress herself announced her pregnancy through social media. Actually as soon as Ileana D'Cruz announced her pregnancy. Discussions have started among fans as to why Ileana D'Cruz decided to become a mother without marriage... What's the reason? Ileana D'Cruz is going to be a mother Ileana D'Cruz is enjoying her pregnancy these days. Recently she showed off her baby bump through social media posts and shared the good news with fans that she will soon welcome her first child into this world. At the same time, Ileana shared another post, in which she can be seen lying in bed showing off her baby bump. Along with this, Ileana shared another post, in which she said- I couldn't sleep the whole night, because the baby was kicking inside the stomach.. due to which he woke up while sleeping. Although later when he calmed down, he was able to sleep for a while. The actress said that this is how she spends her days these days. Also read- Sharing a picture of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha who came to watch the match, Gujarati superstar Malhar Thacker wrote – Baby Butch Mari Jai… During this time, Ileana also talked about her food cravings, how after sleep she suddenly felt like eating scrambled eggs, which she made herself and later enjoyed with her baby. Let us tell you that ever since Ileana D'Cruz announced her pregnancy, fans have been excited about her baby's father's name, but till now the actress has not revealed anything about the baby's father's name. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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jamisynbradford · 2 years
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Day 5 - Bharuch
We got up, ran, had chai, then got in the car and traveled an hour to Bharuch where Hirsh’s older bother, Pankag Kaka and his wife Janaki Kaki, live. The surprise waiting for us was that Nandini, their daughter/hirsh’s cousin, was also there! She is teaching in Japan so this was a real surprise! We ate the most delicious (and most, quantity was out of control) Gujarati food, talked, and played games.
At lunch, Janaki Kaki told us the story of how she and pankaj kaka met on the train after having gone to school together as little kids. They never spoke but they both duked it out for top of the class in rankings. When they were sat to next to each other in 6th grade, he drew a line down the center of the table where she couldn’t cross. After the train, They wrote letters to each other for 4 months then got married. Pankaj kaka was a chemical engineer and opened 3 chemical plants that he sold at 42 then retired.
After lunch came the games. The first game we played was Cowrie which is a shell rolling game. Janaki Kaki was the master! You have to get all the shells facing down in order to start getting points about if they are down 3 times in a row, you lose all your points. You also have to get exactly 50, you can’t go over and rolling all down is 8 points. At 45 points, she rolled an 8 which put her over, but then she rolled 2 more which basically counteracted that brought her back! It was a master class in this game because I feel like that has to be an extremely rare occurrence. as reference, hirsh didn’t roll an 8 for many many many turns. Then getting 3 in a row is usually a bad thing but in this unique moment it saved her! She had the technique down. Mehul also kept rolling 8s but it was always when he was at 47 so he kept going back down to the bottom. He and janaki kaki’s expressions when they rolled were so priceless. Rini won the game, Janaki in 2, I was 3!
Then we played Phool baji which is a game where you flip cards and if they match with other players you have to say their flower name first. We played with all flower names in Gujarati but I still had the lost cards at the end.
We ate cake and sweets and more food then traveled back to Baroda.
It must be mentioned that the driving in India is the most incredible and terrifying dance I have ever seen. There are apparently no rules or lanes and everyone is kind of squeezing around each other and letting their presence and intentions be known through honking. This is one thing in the roads where everyone is going 5 mph and it is all auto rickshaws, motorbikes, humans, and cars. On the freeway amongst the trucks this was a true test of the nerves. Rini kept trying to tell our driver to be less of a daredevil, but he insisted that this was incredibly safe because of how well he knows the car. In his defense, he did maneuver some of the smallest gulleys in an suv - his spatial awareness in that car is impressive.
After getting back to Baroda we went to visit with Pinky Kaki, Rini’s friend, and her family and our-age kids and spouses and one of their baby. It was a very raucous and fun get together and a full day of friends and family.
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This fig is a good basis but we played differently. 3 up was turn ends but 3 down the next person removed 1 and a stone got 1 point. 4 down we played was 8 and you got all. Your points “burned” if 3 in a row. You had to roll all 4 down to start earning points except you could grab from the all face up rolls even if you hadn’t rolled all face down yet. 50 is the goal and you have to get that exactly. If you go over (say 47 rolls an 8) then you are at 5.
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slickgreys · 2 years
Dental toolkit
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The Toolkit still includes in-office communication materials such as brochures and posters. We have updated the materials to reflect the most recent HPV-related cancer research as well as incorporated patient and provider feedback. We are now excited to present you with the latest edition of our Dental Toolkit. Since then, it has been downloaded and distributed thousands of times, adapted for use in over 7 states, and been included in the American Cancer Society’s National HPV Roundtable Action Guide. ©2022 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.The Massachusetts HPV Coalition’s Oral HPV Task Force developed our first edition of the HPV Dental Toolkit for dental offices in 2016. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Dental, Life and Disability are offered by Florida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida. HMO coverage is offered by Health Options Inc., an HMO subsidiary of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida. Health insurance is offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., D/B/A Florida Blue. Language Assistance Available: Español, Kreyol Ayisien, Tiếng Việt, Português, 中文, Français, Tagalog, Pусский, Italiano, Deutsche, 한국어, Polskie, Gujarati, ไทย, العربية, 日本語, فارسی You may access the Nondiscrimination and Accessibility notice do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or health status in the administration of their plans, including enrollment and benefit determinations. We have a rich library of Video and Text on Oral Health covering topics such as Preventive Care, Healthy Eating, and Dental Procedures.įlorida Blue and Florida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc. Studies have established a strong relation between Oral Health and Overall Health. We’ll do our best to complete our recruiting efforts within 4-6 weeks. Please complete the Provider Nomination form. We would like to continually grow our network and we welcome Provider nominations. Have a Dentist you’d like to add to your network? You can search for a Dentist in Florida or nationwide based on a variety of criteria such as name, specialty, and location using our Find a Dentist tool. With our large and continually growing network of Participating Providers, you are sure to find a Dentist conveniently located near you. Since our dental plans offer members various treatment choices, we suggest meeting with your dentist to discuss which option best suits your needs. Read About Oral Health for Overall Health On your Member ID card, if under Plan Type it references GROUP/INDIVIDUAL, you’re eligible. Members that have one of the following BlueDental Plans may qualify for additional enhanced dental benefits if they have diabetes, coronary artery disease, suffered a stroke, have oral cancer, Sjӧgren’s syndrome or who are pregnant: Blue Dental Choice, Blue Dental Choice Plus, Blue Dental Copayment. That means it’s important to get regular preventive dental care to help maintain your good oral health and overall health. A relationship exists between healthy mouth and overall good health. Welcome My Health Toolkit Members Why Oral Health for Overall Health?ĭental Health can influence conditions such as diabetes, coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, oral cancer, Sjӧgren’s syndrome and low birth weight and premature babies.
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listingdemo · 2 years
Ic engines objective questions
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In a diesel engine, the fuel is ignited by (a) spark (b) injected fuel (c) heat resulting from compressing air that is supplied for combustion (d) ignition (e) combustion chamber. The working cycle in case of four stroke engine is completed in following number of revolutions of crankshaft (a) 1/2 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4 (e) 8. Engines Questions and Answers pdf freeload* * * 1. Engines - Mechanical Engineering Multiple choice Questions and Answers List *I.C. Engines - Mechanical Engineering Multiple choice Questions and Answers List 250 TOP I.C. Engines Objective type Questions and Answers » 250 TOP I.C. Which of the following is not an interna combustion engine.MCQs preparation for Engineering Competitive Exams Pages * Home * Engineering Multiple Choice Questions and Answers * Engineering Interview Questions * Online Tests Home » I.C. Answer of that question is high heat value What is the reason? Please explain because the same question I have seen 1st or second page.
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If we take high heat value of oil in heat engine than fuel is evaporate because the fuels are volatile in nature and we not get full efficiency of fuel.That's why we So LHV of fuel is used in case of IC engine. Gases to the point where water vapor can be condensed and any latent heat is also utilized in the transfer process. In case of IC engine, where gasoline and diesel is used, it is possible to bring down the temperature of combustion Not possible to fully bring down the outlet temperature of gases to the point where water vapor is condensed.So, HHV is used. Similarly, in case of gas turbine, it is Rejected to the atmosphere, considering it is higher than the dew point of sulpher and preventing any sulpher droplet to form. At this temperature, still the combustion gases is having heat energy and can be used but it is The reason is theĬombustion products leave the stack at a temperature of about 130 C. For eg, in coal based thermal power plant, the HHV of coal is used. In whichĪpplication, the temperature can be brought back to the atmospheric condition. Now the real point is ,the decision, whether to use HHV or LHV depends solely on the type of application. So ,water vapor is not condensed in this case. Products reaches approximately, the ambient temperature.ĭefinition is, where the combustion products are not brought back to the atmospheric temperature. It means ,if we are using HHV of fuel, the heat energy is transferred until the temperature of the combustion So moreĪmount of heat is transferred if we consider HHV of fuel. Here, any water vapor which is present is condensed back by giving off its latent heat. Returned back to the initial state (atmospheric temperature, T = 25 C). Login / Register Download app for fast access + Download from play storeĪdd to Bookmark All Engineering + Electrical Computer Civil Mechanical Chemical Aotumobile Electronics Medical Science All Competitive exam data + Previous Papers Online Mock Test Vedic / Quicker Math Aptitude Reasoning General Knowledge English / Verbal Speak English Unit converter All Dictionary + Picture Dictionary English to Afrikaans English to Arabic English to Bengali English to Chinese English to English English to French English to German English to Gujarati English to Hindi English to Italian English to Japanese English to Kannada English to Korean English to Malayalam English to Marathi English to Nepali English to Portuguese English to Punjabi English to Russian English to Spanish English to Swedish English to Tamil English to Telugu English to Thai English to Turkish English to Urdu Know your baby name + Search baby / your name My Favorite List Teaching / Schooling Entertainment + Quotes (all category) Jokes (Hindi,Urdu,English) All Management courses + Marketing (HRM)Human Resource Management Web Tutorials + + Objective Questions (MCQ) All topics + Theory / Tutorial HTML CSS PHP JavaScript Read More My Account + My Account My Dictionary My Electrical Engg My Aptitude My English My General Knowledge Visit Contact us + Contact us / Help About us Privacy Policy About CopyrightĪs we know by definition,higher heating value of fuel is, where the combustion products are
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Union Home Minister Amit Shah released the mascot and anthem of the 36th National Games at Transstadia in Ahmedabad. The mascot has been named ' #Savaj ', which means baby in Gujarati. ಕೇಂದ್ರ ಗೃಹ ಸಚಿವ ಅಮಿತ್ ಶಾ ಅವರು ಅಹಮದಾಬಾದ್‌ನ ಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್ ಸ್ಟೇಡಿಯಾದಲ್ಲಿ 36 ನೇ ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರೀಯ ಕ್ರೀಡಾಕೂಟದ ಮ್ಯಾಸ್ಕಾಟ್ ಮತ್ತು ಗೀತೆಯನ್ನು ಬಿಡುಗಡೆ ಮಾಡಿದರು. ಮ್ಯಾಸ್ಕಾಟ್‌ಗೆ 'ಸವಾಜ್' ಎಂದು ಹೆಸರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ, ಇದರರ್ಥ ಗುಜರಾತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮರಿ. . FALLOW US 👇 @current_affairs_in_kannada ನಮ್ಮ PAGE ಅನ್ನು FOLLOW ಮಾಡಿ POST & STORY NOTIFICATION 🔔 on ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ #currentaffairskannada #currentaffairsinkannada #generalknowledgeinkannada #caik #news #currentaffairs #kannada #dailyupdates #kpsc #kptcl #upsc #amitshah #nationalgames (at Ahembadab) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIfO1UvR8j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maryrichard251023 · 5 months
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Bright Baby Pregnancy Guide & Garbh Sanskar App in Gujarati
With this Bright Baby Pregnancy Guide & Garbh Sanskar App in Gujarati, families can obtain comprehensive information regarding baby planning and garbhdhan sanskar.
Bright Baby Garbh Sanskar Gujarati App Activity List:
Heart Touching Video
Bright Baby Brain Activity
Cute Baby Poster
Prayer for pregnancy (1 prayer for 9 months)
Garbh Sanskar Sloka
Pregnancy Happiness Secret
Live Webinar Link on Home Page
Deep Relaxation Music
Counting Baby Kicks
Garbh Samvad
Literature of Self-help and mind power book
Today's Story
Today's Cooking Recipe
Diet and Food
Bright Baby Pregnancy Prenatal Yoga
Biographies about Great Leaders
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Garbh Sanskar Music for Pregnancy
Baby Shower Ideas
Dream Baby Visualization
Mantra Chanting
Activity of How to Make a Child
Baby Name Ideas
Today's Resolution
Your Personal Diary with Baby
Pregnancy Tracker
Visualization for Dream Baby
New Born Baby Kare - Advance Training
Ask Your Question for Confusion of Mind?
Bright Baby Garbh Sanskar App in Gujarati is a complete pregnancy app that serves both pregnancy planners and expecting mothers. With a concentrate on Garbhsanskar, maternal education, and without any anxiety planning, this app provides a variety of tools to help you enjoy during your pregnancy.
This app included all aspects of garbh sanskar, or pre-child planning. Through this programme, couples can obtain comprehensive information regarding baby planning and garbhdhan sanskar. Several things are discussed in this application. Garbh Sanskar in Gujarati, Manpasand Santan Prapti, Ladka Pane Ke Liye Sanskar, Ladki Pane Ke Liye Sanskar etc.
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Sanatan sanskruti ke tin sanskar, Garbh dhan se phle ka gyan, Shukranu ki shudhdhi, Garbh me ling ka aadhar, Rutukal (periods), Garbh dharan ki process, Knowledge of after pregnancy, Important test during pregnancy, Pregnancy music, mantra, meditation, exercise, Punsavan sanskar, Simantonayan sanskar, Precaution during pregnancy, Garbhkal ke samay Diet, Manpasand santan pane ke tarike and many more information.
Garbh Sanskar App Benefits:
The developing brain
Improved self-worth and self confidence
Substantially it reduces the baby's risk of developing depression throughout their life
Making the infant feel cherished and loved
The well-being of the mother has a major effect on the unborn baby, Positive thoughts and positive emotions benefit both the woman and the developing baby.
Bright Baby Garbh Sanskar App provides you Stress relieving Yognidra, Parv Nimitt (Occasion based) Sessions, Live Supraj Santaanotpatti Havan, Gayatri Havan, Garbh Sanskar QnA Sessions, Let’s Smile Together Session, Couple Session, Sandhya Prarthna, Yoga Session Month wise, Nutritionist Session, Mentoring Session, Doctor’s Session and complete info about pregnancy and delivery.
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nehalneeta · 3 years
Popular Gujarati Baby Girl Names Starting With Letter J
Popular Gujarati Baby Girl Names Starting With Letter J
Joshita Jayani Jagvi Joshika Jahnavi Janki Janya Jaya Jayna Jhalak Jhanvi Jharna Jheel Jigna Jinal Jiya Juhi Jyoti
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Sarghasaparī - m/f (Gujarati) procession of fairies
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defining-names · 5 years
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I once knew a man named Vōka, everyone called him Vok. It was strong and cheeky and suited him perfectly. The only reference I could find to this name is it being a Gujarati (Northern Indian dialect) word for walk.
The other inspiration for this name is Star Trek Discovery, where the main protagonist is a Klingon named Voq. I actually quite like this short and alternate spelling. On this note Voq could also be short for ancient Greek words uuvoq or ivoq meaning 'hymns', or Uzbeki ovoq meaning 'flour'.
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reporter17-news · 3 years
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